The sentence

She'll sit talking to herself for hours.

may express typical behavior. Indeed, M. Swan in his Practical English Usage (629.7) says: "We can use will to talk about typical behavior" (habits and characteristics).

But we can also use the present simple to express one. For instance:

She sits talking to herself for hours.

What's the difference between expressing of typical behavior via will and the present simple?

  • @snailboat Sure, it was a typo. I'm sorry. Commented Sep 20, 2014 at 4:48
  • No need to apologize, just trying to help :-)
    – user230
    Commented Sep 20, 2014 at 4:48

2 Answers 2


The Cambridge Grammar Of The English Language (p194) lists this function of will as expressing "propensity", and gives the example: He will lie in bed all day, reading trashy novels.

The CGEL goes on to explain:

Here we are concerned with characteristic or habitual behavior ... A simple present could be substituted with little effect. ... Strong stress on the auxiliary conveys the speaker's emotive response to the situation - usually exasperation, disapproval, resignation, or the like: He WILL pour tea-leaves down the sink.

So, both She'll sit talking to herself for hours and She sits talking to herself for hours will likely be interpreted as simple statements of fact, whereas She will sit talking to herself for hours will be taken as conveying the speaker's (usually negative) evaluation of that fact.


The "will" usage has also been mentioned in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English as "annoying habit":

used to describe someone’s habits, especially when you think they are annoying, e.g.

Trish will keep asking damn silly questions.

  • The following URL says "We can use 'will' to describe present habits and behaviour whether it is good or bad." So is it for only annoying habits? ecenglish.com/learnenglish/lessons/describing-habits
    – 243
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 19:31
  • 1
    @243: "will" is used for talking about habits in general. However, if you put extra emphasis on this word, it means that the habit annoys you.
    – M.N
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 22:34

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