Both German and Norwegian has terms for the case when one error is the result of another error ("Folgefehler" and "følgefeil") respectively. As an example of what I mean, you would have a "Folgefehler" if you answered a math question wrong, even if your algorithm was correct, because you relied on answers from a previous calculation that was wrong.
A recurring theme is that speakers of both languages have issues in finding a good equivalent term in English. Is there one?
One suggested translation is "subsequent faults" (alternatively using "errors/defects"), but after googling it does not really seem to be used all that much and it does not seem to fit very well. Another version on a translator site suggests "consequential error", which I think fits better from how I think of its intended use, but is also not a common term. Of course, in this day and age I also asked ChatGPT for a suggestion, but its suggestions were pure hallucinations :D
So far I have not been able to do better than consequential error, but there must be some kind of semi-known term for this?