Many phrasal verbs make the language more aurally pleasent for example:
"Hear me out!".The verb "hear" means "listen" but it doesnt sound well if you say "Hear me" , it sounds a bit off.
A)How to know which adverb to use for any verb in such cases?
Many other phrasal verbs assosciate the meaning of the phrasal verb word by word :
"Wake up!" Wake means to be awake.When we get off the bed (since that is where someone is when ur sleeping)we move from a laying position to a straight position so our height perceived by others is increased->up.
"Turn up the radio!"We are turning a rotary switch to change the loudness of the radio and up because we make the sound coming from the radio louder.
So we can assosciate verbs with objects and how we act on that object with the adverb.
B)So is the meaning of a phrasal verb not something which can should learnt by heart but something which has logical foundations?