From what I know of English phonetics, in RP there're 3 similar monophthongs (that my Russian ear associates with the same Russian letter, "а"): ʌ, ɑ, æ. So far I've learned to more or less be able to distinguish them.
But there's yet another IPA symbol that's used in diphthongs like aɪ: a. The beginning of this diphthong sounds similar to both ʌ and ɑ, but I don't quite understand which of them, if any, it is. The vowel diagrams for RP are also unhelpful because they never try to split diphthongs and only show them separately from the monophthongs. Moreover, different diphthongs with the same first symbol, e.g. aɪ and aʊ appear separated in these charts, which adds to the confusion.
So, what sound does this "a" symbol represent? Can it be positioned on a formant diagram among the monophthongs? Does it coincide with any monophthong?