"being" in this context
Meaning of italic text
(The above two links are previous discussions related to this post.)
Taken from Happiness for Humans by P.Z. Reizin
Okay, I am. Just a bit. 8.603 per cent tempted if you’d like me to put a figure on it.
Jen and I know a lot about one another’s taste in music and films. Books and art too. And television. And material from the depthless ocean that is the internet. We have passed the last nine months listening, watching, reading and chatting about little else. She sometimes tells me she has the best job in the world, being paid to spend all day talking to a highly intelligent companion about whatever takes our fancy.
Companion. That’s what she calls me. The word she has settled upon. I’m fine with companion. Better than the ridiculous name I was given at ‘birth’.
Because it starts with the letters…
Well, you work it out.
Does the word "art" here refer to only "paintings, drawings, or sculptures, which are objects, for people to look at"(narrorwer sense) or "various creative activities in general, including both objects (or visual) and non-objects (or non-visual): paintings, drawings, sculptures, music, dance, acting, literature"(wider sense)? (Maybe the narrower sense? Because two examples (music and films) of the wider sense are previously mentioned?)
Does "material from the internet" here mean anything (or any material) Jen looks up and accesses on the internet?
Does "little else" here mean "little (or trifle) things other than music, films, books, art, television, and material from the internet"?