Can you explain more? I do not know when we can use them in the sentence. Can we use them instead of each other?

They have a beautiful home.
They have a beautiful house.

  • 6
    A chair is still a chair, even when there's no one sitting there / But a chair is not a house, and a house is not a home / When there's no one there to hold you tight / And no one there you can kiss good night
    – nohat
    Commented Oct 28, 2014 at 4:26

6 Answers 6


A home is a metaphysical concept of where you live. My home is in an apartment building, on the second floor. I can welcome people into my home.

A house is generally used to mean a single-family dwelling, or at least a building used exclusively for a small number of people, perhaps to include a duplex house.

In your case, "They have a beautiful home," probably more implies that they decorate well and keep it up nicely. A "beautiful house" would probably mean the building itself is fancy, without saying anything about the decorations or people or their taste.


Your house is the physical structure made of stone/wood/brick in which you live

Your home is the place where you belong. It can be a house, an apartment, or even a society. It is more personal than a house

They have a beautiful house

could mean that the house looks nice, perhaps because it's expensive or is well decorated

They have a beautiful home

could mean that it feels nice at their place, maybe because the people living there are a nice family or it's a peaceful neighborhood


The term home typically refers to a more intimate description of a dwelling. A quote about this is "It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home" (I cannot find an author for that quote). Home is some place special to you; a house is what the neighbors live in. In your example question, either use is acceptable in my opinion.


From Google Search:



A building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people.



The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.

A house is a singluar building - it can hold many or one (Or none if unowned or unoccupied) people. A home can be a house, but it can also refer to any place that a person lives in a permanent manner (An apartment/flat, a duplex, a trailer, or even more abstractly a "home" city or a "home" country).

Relationally, a house can be a home, but a home is not always a house.

  • A house may not be a home (eg if it is derelict) Commented Oct 25, 2014 at 10:51

Home: Generally used as a term to describe a HOUSE with a family or people living in it:

The family sits around the fire in their home.

It also generally describes the contents for example in this sentence a home would not be cozy without its contents or people, yet we would still say :

The home was very cozy.

House: Generally used to describe the building itself:

The house was up for sale on the market.

Thanks, hope this helps!

  • The word "generally" really needs to be underscored here.
    – J.R.
    Commented Feb 2, 2015 at 13:36

Home is just anything which you can consider to be your place: for example, a tree, an iceberg, etc., whereas a house is a physical structure which is built by us: a treehouse, an igloo, etc.

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