Below, you can see page 85 of ST_Lite_JxE081_v00.02 .It is a Security-Target (a document that indicate some security specification of an IT production) for JCOP Smart cards.
TSF = Target Security Functions
I can't understand the sections that I marked.
In the second line of first marked item: "the application package contained in the information to which the evidence applies", which one is true?
- the application package is in the information (I mean the information containing the application package) or the information is in the application package (I mean the application package containing the information.)?
- what is the meaning of "to which the evidence applies"? the evidence applies what? information or application package?
And also in the second marked item, I can't understand it!
- "to recipient given at the time when the ..." means that : the evidence are verify for recipient? the evidence are from recipient? please explain it for me.