which one is correct?

How similes have been translated by different translators in this Text?


How do similes have been translated by different translators in this text?

  • 2
    Welcome to ELL.SE! If you had any questions about the policies of our community, you can visit ‎‎the help center or take a ‎‎tour of the website.‎
    – M.A.R.
    Feb 7, 2015 at 19:20
  • In case you hadn't noticed in the answer below by Jim Reynolds: NEITHER of your examples is correct! Would you like someone to explain why? Feb 8, 2015 at 9:48

1 Answer 1


How have similes been translated differently by translators in this text?

We can improve its style. For example

How have multiple (or various) translators differently translated the similes in this text?

As suggested in the comment below, we can find an alternative to repeating the two forms of translate as appropriate to the situation, and produce a more graceful sentence:

  • How have different people/experts translated the similes in this text?

  • How have different translators approached/handled/processed the similes in the text?

Further, we might make the sentence smoother and easier to read by rearranging some elements and changing focus:

  • In this text, how have...?
  • In this text, how have different translators differently translated the text's similies?
  • In this text, how have people differently translated the text's similies?
  • In this text, how have different people translated the text's similies?
  • Provide three ways this text has been translated, and explain the differences.
  • 1
    Also: In the following text, how have different people translated the similes? This format reduces cognitive load by grouping semantic content near it's constituents. It also simplifies the sentence by eliminating the focus of "how they translated it differently" if that is unimportant or not significant enough to mention explicitly. (I do think it's implied.) If you want, you can add that to your answer and make a bullet point list of various suggestions. Others might pipe in with ideas as well. :) Feb 7, 2015 at 21:15
  • @Cool I've expanded it. Please be my guest and edit it directly if you'd like! Feb 7, 2015 at 21:36
  • I made the following edits: 1. Changed some "quote" notation to "bullet points" 2. Expanded the (last) example of the sentence-template to include "In this text". Feb 7, 2015 at 21:55
  • Another idea: Provide three different ways this text has been translated. Note the idea of different people is implied here. I suppose that's a general rule for questions like this: "What can be made implicit?" :) Feb 7, 2015 at 22:15

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