Would my knowledge about the event make such events from occuring ever in future?

Consider the phrase above. the event is in reference to a general event which occurs weekly/fortnightly.

Can I use some other structure for the same phrase; so that I won't have to repeat the word event? What my actual meaning in context is:

If I get to know more about the event, will this result in stopping of such events from happening ever in future?

2 Answers 2


I concur with user3169 that a pronoun will solve your problem; but I suggest one, since you look to prevent the future occurrence of similar events, not of the same event (which has, after already occurred and therefore cannot be prevented). The reference of one may be either forward or backward:

Would my knowledge of this event prevent similar ones from occurring in the future?

Would my knowledge of this one prevent similar events from occurring in the future?

Even better would be FumbleFingers' suggestion:

Would my knowledge of this event prevent others like it from occurring in the future?

Two other points you do not ask about:

  1. Knowledge is vague in this context. Your paraphrases suggest that what you mean is something like deeper understanding of this event; but your characterization of the event as recurrent suggests it you mean simply that your familiarity with or your awareness of or your having experienced the event will effect the desired end.

  2. Make ... from occurring is not idiomatic. Keep ... from occurring is OK; but prevent is more suitable to formal discourse—and it's shorter, too. And if you will allow me to be really really picky, your knowledge cannot itself prevent future occurrences: it can only only enable you to prevent them.—

  • I certainly concur with your reasoning re baldly substituting "it". But it's a stylistic choice exactly how you phrase things to avoid repeating the word "event" (which is hardly a mortal sin anyway). I think I might prefer just "others", since the context clearly implies you mean "others like it". Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 1:12
  • 1
    @FumbleFingers Actually others like it would serve even better than similar ones, without sacrificing precision. I'm going to incorporate that. Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 1:50

I think the easiest way is to use a pronoun for the second use:

Would my knowledge about the event keep them from occuring ever in the future?

If I get to know more about the event, will this result in keeping them from happening ever in the future?

In the first phrase, keep is a better verb than make when referring to a continuing/ongoing activity. In this case, ever is probably not needed, other than for emphasis.

If it is not appropriate for some reason, just use a synonym for the second event that fits your meaning.

  • 5
    But OP is looking for his second clause to address similar events (plural), not the one which has already occurred. Commented Apr 11, 2013 at 23:20
  • @StoneyB I see your point. I'll edit my answer.
    – user485
    Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 2:32

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