In the text "plug-in mobile charger in socket and turn it on and touch the other end(pin side) while standing on ground bare feet.what happened? got a shock as you have completed the circuit?NO? now think why for 5 mins and then if you got the answer (well done) otherwise ask in comment"

Now I want to know which form of verb should be used "get" or "got" ?(for the highlighted/bold 'got')

  • 1
    Not related your question, but to question in your text: even if you would 'complete the circuit', 5V from the charger is not noticeable on your skin (don't lick your charger though).
    – Sanchises
    Commented Apr 7, 2015 at 13:57
  • You've got an extra "in": "plug-in mobile charger in socket." -> "plug the mobile charger into the socket and ..."
    – Jim
    Commented Apr 7, 2015 at 14:37
  • Right. "Plug-in" is not a verb; it is a noun (often spelled "plugin") or an adjective. However, "Plug in" is a phrasal verb. Commented Apr 8, 2015 at 6:37

1 Answer 1


The "got" is fine. If they will be considering for 5 minutes, at that time the shock will be in the past.

But there are many other problems with your paragraph. The misuse of "plug-in. . . into" has been discussed in comments. Your wording ". . . while standing on ground bare feet" should be "while standing on the ground {barefoot/in bare feet}". (Not to mention the unscientific nature of this test—just standing on the ground does not guarantee you are electrically grounded!) In addition, several of your sentences are not begun with a capital letter, and your last sentence needs a couple commas.

So "got " vs. "get" is the least of your problems with this paragraph.

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