What is the difference between Thanks God and Thank God, and can we use them in the same situation? For example:
God gives us relatives; thank God, we can choose our friends.
Can we use "Thanks God" instead of "Thank God"? If not, why?
What is the difference between Thanks God and Thank God, and can we use them in the same situation? For example:
God gives us relatives; thank God, we can choose our friends.
Can we use "Thanks God" instead of "Thank God"? If not, why?
"Thanks" is an abbreviation of "thank you", so "Thanks, God" would be saying thank you as if speaking to God itself. "Thank God" is a phrase spoken to someone else, suggesting that they are thankful to God for their good fortune.
Some Examples:
After narrowly avoiding a car while riding his bike, James looked up at the sky and said, "Thank you God!"
"Thank god!", responded Jennifer after hearing that James was unharmed.
I'm not certain but it seems like the phrases expand to:
Thank God!
Thank heavens!
Thank my lucky stars!
are all interjections expressing a grateful emotion or sentiment. It can be expressing more of a relief that you found your car keys or eye glasses or purse or cell phone...
*Thanks God
is not a standard expression. In other words it's an error to use it by itself.
As others have said, you can have
Thanks, God.
Thanks to God...
Thanks be to God...
The last one is slightly strange sounding due to its use of the subjunctive.
You would only say "Thank God". "Thanks, God" would be colloquial in a strange way.
Religious individuals will often turn to the sky and say something more formal, perhaps "Thank you, my lord" in a rare and very positive circumstance. However, many people will say "Thank God" at any small positive thing.