The field of business requires multifaceted practices for real-world problems as much as or more than any other field.

Revised: ...as much as or more practices than any other fields' practices.


I would like to know if I have correctly rephrased it. In doing so, then, I could get its meaning better.

Meanwhile, would you please show me what as much as means here? or rephrase it simple, so that I could get it?


1 Answer 1


You did not rephrase it correctly.

Here, the field of business is being compared to any other field. The characteristic that is being compared between those two is that they require multifaceted practices for real-world problems.

The words as much as means in an equal amount as, to the same extent/degree as. Obviously more simply means that the field of business needs it more than any other field.

So, simply put:

  • The field of business (1) is being compared to any other field (2).
  • What is being compared is that they both require multifaceted practices for real-world problems.
  • (1) requires those practices as much as (=) or more (>) than (2).

I hope this clears your confusion.

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