I've come across this sentence in Hitchen's God Is Not Great (which I've been reading and working on for several months, and hence all the questions). That's a real simple one. But I seem to get stuck in the word record every time I read it.
"In the evening to debate with Marvin Olasky at the LBJ Library. Olasky is the man who coined the term “compassionate conservatism” and helped evolve Bush’s “faith-based initiative.” He’s a convert from both Musevilik and Communism. He tells the audience that his record as a married man improved after he became a Christian. I’m ready to believe it. He also mentions many nice people who do good things because of their faith. I reply that I am ready to believe that, too, as long as it’s admitted that many people behave worse because of their religion. My challenge: Name an ethical statement or action, made or performed by a person of faith, that could not have been made or performed by a nonbeliever. I have since asked this question at every stop and haven’t had a reply yet."
I've looked it up in Oxford Dictionaries and Merriam-Webster only to get confused a little further.
I've considered the possibility of it being slang and searched on Urban Dictionary as well. The closest thing I could find is a track record which, according to Urban Dictionary, means "A person's history of intense relationships (such as boyfriend /girlfriend or one night stand) with (usually) the opposite sex. Usually used to gauge whether it's worth it to go after someone."
To sum it up, I can come up with the following options:
All the things done from the start of the marriage.
All the accomplishments made in the marriage.
Sexual performance as a partner in the marriage.
I would greatly appreciate any insightful remarks.
Thank you very much.