This is a comment someone made about their dog during a discussion on dog tricks,
Mines a lost cause, he had a cone on the other day because he was scratching his ear, and he tried walking over to me on my couch and a corner caught against the coffee table.
And he couldn't figure out how to take one step to the side and walk past it.
He just stood there, pushing against the cone.
Living room was wide open to the side of him.
What does he mean when he said "a corner caught against the coffee table"? Though I'm not quite sure what a cone is he's talking about, but I'm guessing it's those plastic things that shaped like a cone that you wear it on a dog's head to prevent them from biting others? If that's what it is I figured that couldn't be possible because a cone don't have corners right, and he couldn't be possibly talking about the corners of the coffee table 'cause that wouldn't make sense. So, what does he mean?