What's the best way to speak/write that someone has made his profile picture with french flag?

  • He changed his profile picture with french flag

  • He made his profile picture with french flag

or what?

1 Answer 1


The construction I believe to be the smoothest is:

He has put the French flag on his profile picture.

"put something on" in this case has the meaning of "use something as", but I'd rather not choose the latter, because it would look like I'm literally taking the french flag, while the first has a more neutral meaning.

As of your suggestions:

  • He changed his profile picture with french flag

    it could be fixed by changing with to to, though sounds... too plain and can be confusing, for it reads as: I've removed the profile picture and put the french flag instead (ridiculous, isn't it?)

  • He made his profile picture with french flag

    just the wrong verb. The only fix I've thought of is replacing with with of, then the meaning would be: He took the french flag, broke / disassembled it and created the profile picture of its parts. (also doesn't make much sense)

  • What would be best speaking form? Nov 19, 2015 at 20:25
  • @Sabbir no idea on the best variants, just tried to express it smoothly.
    – nicael
    Nov 19, 2015 at 20:27

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