
The aim is that we should learn English in six months.

I need to use for + noun/pronoun + infinitive to rewrite it, but I couldn't do it.

My attempts were

  1. The aim for us is to learn English in six months
  2. For us to learn English is we should in six months.

but I'm not using should in the first one and I don't know if my second attempt is correct.


2 Answers 2

  1. The aim is and English in six months can be held constant in both versions.

  2. Then it's simply a matter of transforming

    that Subjectsubject case(=we) learn'subjunctive'(=should learn)
     for Subjectobject case(=us)    learninfinitive(=to learn)

This yields:

The aim is for us to learn English in six months.

  • Nice. I thought the modal needed to be used in the sentence anyway.
    – user27633
    Commented Dec 16, 2015 at 0:53
  • what if I make the sentence in this way , would it be correct? For us to learn English in six months is the aim.
    – ullas84
    Commented Jul 5, 2018 at 16:43

EDITED: "The aim is for us to learn English in six months" is clear and correct. [Aside: that is an unrealistic expectation of your students; English can be quite difficult, even for native speakers.]

"For us to learn English is we should in six months" is ungrammatical, just as as you suspected. "Should" implies an expectation, which as I said above, is unrealistic. Posed as a question, the answer might be, "Is it realistic to expect us to learn English in six months?"

  • His first sentence is clear, but not correct for the requirements of the assignment. The assignment asks for the construction to be for + pronoun + infinitive...he has for + pronoun + is + infinitive...
    – Alex K
    Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 21:25
  • @AlexK- You are correct! Is my edited answer better? Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 21:39
  • Yes, that is correct
    – Alex K
    Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 21:39

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