The word "re-combobul-ate" what does mean ?!
For example (( "re-combobul-ate" area ))
And could anyone recommended a website that can help me to define a new words slang and using by native speakers ..?
The word "re-combobul-ate" what does mean ?!
For example (( "re-combobul-ate" area ))
And could anyone recommended a website that can help me to define a new words slang and using by native speakers ..?
Discombobulate is the original nonsense word. It was an invented word. It means 'to destroy, tear apart, fragment'. So to re-combobulate is to recombine, make good what was destroyed, or to undo a bad action.
It looks like it's derived from the word discombobulate, which Oxford Dictionaries defines as "Disconcert or confuse". Since recombobulate replaces the negative prefix "dis" with "re", I expect it means "stop [someone] being disconcerted or confused", perhaps by providing an explanation or reassurance.