Yes it can.
At the market:
"you have fewer items in your hand, you can go before me."
means the same as: "Why don't you get in front of me?"
The opposite can also be said:
"I used to eat those, before I found out they were so bad for me."
and you can say:
"I used to eat those kinds of things, but that's all behind me now."
(Unrelated, but this is also the case in Japanese.)
Coming FROM a direction or going TO a direction also works for time.
"My career is headed in that direction." = Will be in that future.
"I came from there myself" can mean "I was raised with the same values myself"
"I know where you are coming from"
"I understand why you think that way, because my thoughts formed for the same reasons"
Although the last example has more to do with just understanding thought processes due to similar past experiences that formed our decision-making process, than it has to do with the actual time or place these thoughts took place.