A vocational college diploma in Russia contains a sheet where some particular features of your education course are listed: date of enrollment, date of completion, what exams you took to enroll, etc.
One line reads as "Production-work (professional) practice: ______" and looks like this:
In a particular diploma being translated by a fellow translator, this line is filled out this way, in a clumsy translation:
Production-work practice: compliant with the speciality profile
The Russian original is
Производственная практика: по профилю специальности.
The meaning is, the student has passed internship, or, probably more correctly, "industrial placement". He worked for a period of time at a plant. The work that he carried out was "in line with what he was taught at the college". Maybe if the student's industrial placement was at some plant worthy of specific mention, the particular plant would be named, but what we have is a kind of general-purpose phrase.
What would be an appropriate English phrase to put in that document? Would this fit:
Industrial placement: in agreement with the curriculum.