What is a verb for describing the following situation:

You meet a friend or even a stranger and they talk a lot and you have to listen to them just being nice.

What verb can I use to describe what I'm doing? e.g. is it called I'm getting a long or going a long or something else?

3 Answers 3


Using the clues you gave, I believe you are thinking of

go along with

  1. Fig. to play along with someone or something; to pretend that you are party to someone's scheme.

This is the closest definition I could find to what you are describe. But I have heard people use it in the sense that you are describing; in the sense that you are humoring the other person.

  • Yea, I agree, go along is much better than my play along. "Play" implies some verbal/physical acting, while going along is indefinite of any activity.
    – dockeryZ
    Commented Jul 27, 2016 at 2:23

Playing along

It's also what you do when someone is pulling a prank on someone else and you somehow get reluctantly involved in the prank. In order to keep from ruining the prank, you play along


Along with the other suggestions, you could use

bide one's time

if you are waiting for an opportunity to get out of listening to the person talk on and on.

Wait quietly for a good opportunity to do something:

Rich listened obligingly, biding his time as he waited for the right opportunity.

(Oxford dictionary)

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