Do the following sentences work with or without the prepositions?

This is a good place to stay (at).

This is a good place to live (in).


2 Answers 2


I believe the prepositions would only be required when dealing with a specific noun.

For example: This is a good HOUSE to stay (in/at(in sounds more natural to me))

Or: This is a good HOUSE to live in.

Your two sentences are proper, no prepositions required.


They work both with and without the prepositions.

You'll find many articles with a search of "end sentence with preposition" on how teachers used to say this was wrong, but that the "old rule" of never ending a sentence with a preposition is a Latin grammar concept attempted to be forced into English's Germanic grammar roots, and therefore it's not really a big deal.

It helps clarify things as well. For example, This is a good place to live - we're not sure if you mean the neighboorhood, country, house, or what type of place, but by saying This is a good place to live in, it's clearer you probably mean a house or at least something with a roof.

  • A city, for instance, is a place to live in aswell. However, it is much less common.
    – MorganFR
    Commented Jul 28, 2016 at 14:05
  • 1
    @LawrenceC Quibbling here, slightly, but you might be able to come up with a better example than This is a good place to live in. A localism, maybe, but I often hear Lower Rat Rapids is a good place to live in and similiar. Commented Jul 29, 2016 at 1:27

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