I'm saying

How many times I asked you not to do that?


How many times I asked you to not do that?

which one is correct please?


3 Answers 3


Neither is completely correct: you can use

How many times have I asked you not to do that?


How many times have I asked you to not do that?

Notice how the word "I" is capitalised in English. This is always the case.

The word "have" is required as an auxiliary verb to form the present perfect with the past participle "asked" for it to make sense in those sentences.

Both "not to do" and "to not do" are correct.


How many times did I ask you not to do that?

How many times did I ask you to not do that?

The first sentence, in which we keep to and the infinitive do together, is more usual and idiomatic than the second sentence, in which we have a split infinitive. Many people think that a sentence with a split imfinitive is not correct, but it's becoming generally acceptable.

  • Would it be incorrect to split the infinitive in "Didn't I ask you to not ever do that again!" instead of saying "Didn't I ask you never to do that again!"?
    – Victor B.
    Commented Aug 6, 2016 at 19:25
  • 1
    @Rompey - Unless it is awkward to do so, in most cases, and particularly in formal writing, you should probably try to avoid splitting infinitives. While there is no rule prohibiting it, to many readers it will "feel" wrong. If your objective is to convey your thoughts, why add anything that might distract your audience? Commented Aug 7, 2016 at 2:07

The only difference can really be seen when you say the phrase.

How many times have I asked you NOT to do that?


How many times have I asked you to NOT do that?

The emphasis is always put on "not".

  • 1
    ... but you still do not explain the diference...
    – user22427
    Commented Apr 19, 2019 at 6:19

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