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When to use "a" and when to use "an"? [duplicate]

Summation of answers and comments: Use "an" before a word that begins with a vowel sound, otherwise, use "a". Still not clear on which to use before acronyms that can be read as ...
iAmOren's user avatar
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a lb or an lb, which is right?

At just two weeks old, he weighs less than a lb. or At just two weeks old, he weighs less than an lb. Grammar Checker says "an lb" is right, really?
Aladin Lee's user avatar
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A undershirt or an undershirt? [closed]

I know the a/an rule, but as I meet both in my readings, I tried to google it, and I find both, with not site or dictionaries telling us we should use the one or the other one. My question is: are ...
Quidam's user avatar
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Should I use "an" in case that the adjective starts with a vowel? [duplicate]

Cambridge: The book presents a one-sided view of history. I'm confused. I thought that it should be an one-sided view of history. Could you please explain this case to me? I know that the article ...
Costa's user avatar
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Confusion in placing Articles a and an before nouns

When I was a kid I was taught that Article An should be placed before nouns starting with a Vowel letter, but now i got to know that it's actually the sound of vowel we should focus not the letter. ...
Rishabh's user avatar
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Confusion about use of article before the word open [duplicate]

I have a little doubt about use if article before the word open. Which one is correct in the following examples: There exists an open interval. There exists a open interval. What is the rule?
MKS's user avatar
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Should you use "a" or "an" with foreign words that start with "hi"? [duplicate]

For example, the word hikikomori (recluse in Japan). Some sources use "an hikikomori," like this entry in IMDb. And this article in the BBC uses "a hikikomori." Are both usages acceptable? Or only ...
wyc's user avatar
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an/a R function [duplicate]

R is a computer language (link). When describing a function written in R, I want to know which of an R function or a R function is correct. I initially thought an R function was correct according to ...
quibble's user avatar
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question about when we use a and when we use an [duplicate]

The patient had been waiting in the emergency room for almost an hour before a doctor finally treated her. (an) goes with a,e,i,o,u (a) goes with the other letters why do we use an hour ? instead ...
Hussam Hamdeh's user avatar
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a spectacular vs an spectacular [duplicate]

Is it: a spectacular movie or it is said: an spectacular movie I'm writing a book in English but I'm Latino so I might need some help with this, I'd appreciate it a lot
RodrigoM's user avatar
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A or An with words starting with eu-? [duplicate]

While doing science homework, I came across something I found strange. The term "eukaryotic" had a as the article instead of an. I was looking at: A eukaryotic cell... I learned that if a word ...
Mingle Li's user avatar
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'an' or 'a' before the word 'user'? [duplicate]

We learn in English grammar class to use 'a' before words starting with consonants and 'an' before words starting with vowels. Since for the word 'user' which starts with a vowel, are we supposed to ...
Albus Dumbledore's user avatar
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definite and indefinite articles [closed]

This is a pretty forward question that requires a straightforward one piece with no possibilities answer. I'm not a native English speaker or a dweller of an English speaking country, but I paid a ...
AndrewMk's user avatar
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Why there's 'a' and not 'an'? [duplicate]

I read most of the questions about an and a here, but still I'm not quite sure since I found that uniform should be "prefixed" with a instead of an (read in a comment here). So I totally lost the ...
Ivanka Todorova's user avatar
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Why isn't it "an adblocker"? [duplicate]

Why isn't it "an adblocker"? I know that it should be a, but why does an feel so better and is an correct in this case?
Sainan's user avatar
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Use of "an" for a word not starting with a vowel [duplicate]

I've encountered this quite a few times now. I'm aware that usually words, starting with a vowel require an "an", words not starting with a vowel are preceded by an "a". Sometimes words start with a ...'s user avatar
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"a" or "an" in front of a word beginning with a vowel

I was writing a text when I came to say 'a union', then it struck me that I need to change the 'a' to 'an'. But for some reason, 'an union' didn't sound right. Why doesn't it work? Is it because its ...
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When there are some words between 'a' and the corresponding noun, do I use 'an'? [duplicate]

Which sentence is correct? I performed a reliability analysis. or I performed an reliability analysis.
icehawk's user avatar
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Is it "an 1973 coin" or "a 1973 coin"? [duplicate]

I've recently noticed that I keep writing "an 1973 coin", and similarly for all the other dates that start with 1 (e.g. "an 1639 coin"). This does not only apply to coins, obviously, it's just the ...
January First-of-May's user avatar
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Some words starting with vowels, preceded by 'an' instead or 'a' [duplicate]

We've all been taught in primary school how we're supposed to use 'an' instead of 'a' when we talk about an object whose name starts with a vowel, in its singular form. -> An Apple -> An Ostrich-> ...
Varun Nair's user avatar
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Why is it "an Asia" but not "a Asia"? [duplicate]

There was an Asia Minor and an Asia Major located in modern-day Iraq. Classical antiquity We use "an" when the word is starting with a, e, i, o, u. (e.g. an elephant) Second rule is if the word ...
XPMai's user avatar
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Why "a user" instead of "an user"? [duplicate]

I am getting confused while using an article an. Because an is used while referring to vowels (a,e,i,o,u). But today I read an article where for user they used a user. My question is, why was an not ...
Stephen's user avatar
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"a unique car" or "an unique car"? [duplicate]

does unique need "a" before it or "an" ? It starts with a vowel but it annoys when using "an" . I want the answer for a very formal article . Thanks !
aghArdeshir's user avatar