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How do you make the flap t sound as in the words city and letter

I'm having a hard time figuring out the right placement and motions of the tongue when making this consonant. I watched a few videos on this topic. People say that in order to make the sound you don't ...
Богдана Мельник's user avatar
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How do you pronounce the word "promptly"?

I have a question about the pronunciation of the word "promptly." I've checked several sites, but it seems there are two variations. One pronounces the word with the "T" as "...
Stev's user avatar
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Do we release all consonant sounds that appear at the end of the word which ends the sentence in AmE?

Do we release all the consonant sounds that appear at the end of the word ending a sentence? Examples: I am at work. There was a Big Bang. I have a new hope. He has a big heart.
Sajan Gurung's user avatar
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Pronouncing The American R

I realize this might be more of an accent question, but trying to master that American R sound, I don't quite know if I'm doing it correctly. That is, I sound very similar to the recordings I hear but ...
noam b's user avatar
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Am I eliding correctly "haven't" etc? (AmE)

I am trying to learn American accent and I am practicing using this sentence: Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. Yeah, well, actually, today was the first day I worked out since a while. What I ...
Marco Dinatsoli's user avatar