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Questions tagged [compound-subjects]

For questions about subjects containing two or more elements, joined together by words such as "and", "either/or", and "neither/nor."

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Should I repeat the subject and the ‘going to’ construction in a compound sentence?

I would like to know if I can write something like this: "I am going to study and go to the supermarket in the evening"; or if I have to write "I am going to study and I am going to go ...
Marianne's user avatar
4 votes
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Which is the correct sentence to use

Writing personalised gift as if from baby with photos of baby + baby's dad. Would caption read: "Mine and my daddy's adventures" or "Mine and daddy's adventures" or "Me and my ...
Kelllieee's user avatar
1 vote
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"There is" or "there are" with compound subjects that have a mix of plural and singular elements [duplicate]

There is a cat, a dog, and an elephant in the room. There are two cats, a dog, and an elephant in the room. There is a cat, two dogs, and an elephant in the room. In the first sentence, all of these ...
Utshaw's user avatar
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As you will see, the use of color, different perspectives, and engaging plots can have an uplifting effect on your mind, body, and soul

As you will see, the use of color, different perspectives, and engaging plots can have an uplifting effect on your mind, body, and soul. What is a subject: 'the use' alone? or the use of color(A), ...
gomadeng's user avatar
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Is this string of words an independent clause "Historically, the lands that are now parts of New York and Delaware."

Is the below sentence a compound sentence? Historically, the Lenape inhabited lands that are now parts of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New York, and they settled along the rivers and bays. ...
Neon's user avatar
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Should i repeat the preposition “of” when using it with “and” in a phrase’s subject?

Original Phrase: Absence of puberty and development of secondary sexual characteristics is suggestive of hypogonadism.” Structures: Original: “Absence of X and Y is suggestive of Z” Alt: “Absence of X ...
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How to find the correct form of verb in ambiguous subjects.?

Neelima, my best friend / and the Head of this department / are leaving / on Monday./no error I came across this sentence in my exam, I couldn't figure out if the head of this department and Neelima ...
Rishiraj chauhan's user avatar
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Possessive Case with a Name and a Pronoun

How do I change, for example, "the party/wedding/relationship/... of John and I" into the possessive case (possessive using 's)? My train of thought goes a little something like this: The ...
lil' barbussy's user avatar
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Singular or plural in compound sentences [duplicate]

Consider this scenario - A plate divides the tube into a primary part and a second part. In the end, there are only two parts. If I want to join this, what is the right way? A plate divides the tube ...
Ashok's user avatar
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"I am..., and am..." or "I am..., and I am..."

A) I am eager to learn more about the position, and grateful for this opportunity to meet the sales team in person. B) I am eager to learn more about the position, and am grateful for this opportunity ...
John's user avatar
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Are subjects joined by “or” singular or plural?

When the or between the two subjects is exclusive I think people generally use the singular form: I'm still not sure if pizza or curry is the best option. But when considering a sentence with ...
heapOverflow's user avatar
16 votes
7 answers

Why is "help you save money" wrong if the subject was plural?

Could you please explain to me why I got this sentence wrong? Living at home and enjoying your mother’s cooking help you save money. My teacher said "help" should have been written with an ...
حسن بن لادن's user avatar
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Compound-subject verb agreement

I am trying to understand Subject Verb Agreement, but I am having trouble understanding why some subjects are plural and others are singular. So far, I understand that a verb is based on a noun's ...
Aditya Kendre's user avatar
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Would this be the correct way to refer to two authors' separate books as one book, "Author 1 and Author 2's Books"?

Say I have two authors that each wrote a book (not together) and I want to refer to both of them in one sentence while lumping their books into one noun, should I put an apostrophe right after the ...
Eric's user avatar
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What preposition should I use after a conjunction with two nouns?

How do I conjoin the two sentences below? He has interest in the law. He has respect for the law. Should it be: He has interest and respect in the law. or, He has interest and respect for the law. ...
kidilam's user avatar
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"Creation and deletion of accounts are performed automatically" or ".. is performed automatically"?

Creation and deletion of Active Directory accounts are performed automatically during recruitment or dismissal of the employee, respectively. I'm proofreading this text and I feel like there should ...
CowperKettle's user avatar
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About "AND" Which one is correct? And Why?

How can I understand the sentence below? My best friend and my father’s father both come from Wales. Which one of these is correct? And Why? A. My best friend and my father's father (...
Sung Yo-won's user avatar
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Do you say “me and my brother’s room” or “my and my brother’s room”?

I’m not sure which of the two is correct: “Me and Tessa’s Books” or “My and Tessa’s books”? Couldn’t find an answer in grammar books.
Laura's user avatar
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singular or plural verbs for compound nouns and modifiers

I am confused why the compound noun has the singular verb "HAS" in the modifier clause "which has won awards..." and the plural verb "HAVE" as the main verb. Should I use plural or singular verb as ...
ilovetolearn's user avatar
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Subject-Verb Agreement: The horse and carriage is ready [duplicate]

A rule in my text book says If the 2 subjects separated by 'and' refer to the same thing/person/suggest the same idea, they take a singular verb. E.g. The Horse and Carriage is ready I feel ...
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“during his freshman and sophomore {year/years}”

Should year be singular or plural in the following example? As a bass fisherman, during his freshman and sophomore year, Bob was challenged by his lack of experience in the fishing arena but never ...
denise's user avatar
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Grammar, shortening the sentence

In the two following sentences is the word "I" necessary? A: I usually drive to work, but (I) sometimes walk. B: I sometimes walk to work, but (I) not very often.
majid omrani bidi's user avatar
9 votes
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Should I us "is" or "are" with "there"?

Which of the following two sentences is correct? There is one primary station and multiple secondary stations. There are one primary station and multiple secondary stations. I think the first ...
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3 votes
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Should I say "they're my brother and sister" or "that's my brother and sister"?

This is a stand alone sentence, used as an exercise in learning Mandarin Chinese. It has no context. I feel that it is more natural to say "that's my brother and sister", in English. Am I wrong?
Natalie's user avatar
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How can I understand ‘neither’ in this context?

... talking of library rules... ... “No cameras are allowed. And neither is making copies of anything.” How can I understand grammatically the use of ‘neither’ here? Neither is followed by ...
Quan Lee's user avatar
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Arithmetic expressions in words

Consider the following sentences, which I know are correct, as example; Two multiplied by two gives four. OR Two times two gives four. OR Two by two gives four. Two divided by two is one. Q1: ...
Zeeshan Ali's user avatar
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"gerund + and/while + gerund + is"; which is more common, 'and' or 'while'?

Drinking and driving is dangerous.[1] Texting and driving is dangerous.[2] Yes, texting while driving is criminal.[2] Both styles are common, are both grammatical too? And which is more ...
Zeeshan Ali's user avatar
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Which one is correct “Where are” or “Where is”?

I am confused which one is right. Where is personname1 and personname2 ? or. Where are personname1 and personname2 ?
madcolonel10's user avatar
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Which one is correct Is or Are?

"Measuring blood pressure and also heartbeat is/are important for everyone" "is" or "are" ? Why? I think "is" is correct but I'm not sure. Is the word "also" important here? Does it add another ...
user86062's user avatar
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"There is" or "There are" a man and a woman?

There is a man and a woman standing nearby the drugstore. or There are a man and a woman standing nearby the drugstore. ?
brilliant's user avatar
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Not sure whether to use singular or plural

Is it correct to write happiness and prosperity are the result of diligent work or happiness and prosperity are the results of diligent work
marlene caplan's user avatar
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What does "privacy and security of information" mean?

The privacy and security of your personal information is important to us. It always confuses me if there is more than 1 noun before "of". Does it mean "the privacy of your personal information ...
jay's user avatar
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Do I use "makes" or "make" in this sentence?

Plastic bags are bad for the environment because making plastic bags and burning them make a lot of CO2. Plastic bags are bad for the environment because making plastic bags and burning them ...
lisa21's user avatar
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Which is correct with the subject "bad spelling and grammar"? IS/ARE turn-offs/a turn-off

Bad spelling and grammar is a major turn-off. Bad spelling and grammar are a major turn-off. Bad spelling and grammar are major turn-offs. Which of the sentences above is correct?
Proshno's user avatar
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Composite subject

"We fellows will also get dressed for dinner." What kind of function does the word "fellows" bear in the sentence above ?
Sergei Iashin's user avatar
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Envy and jealousy is/are bad [closed]

My question is about subject-verb agreement when the subject consists of two (or more) synonyms joined by 'and'. Which sentence is correct? Envy and jealousy is bad. Envy and jealousy are bad.
user avatar
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Plural (or singular) verb for subjects referring to one thing?

Once I read in a website that when there are multiple subjects in a sentence and they all refer to one thing or person, the verb should be in singular form. Now, I am wondering if the following ...
Omid Reza Abbasi's user avatar
1 vote
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John's and Tom's sugar IS different or ARE different?

When I say "John's sugar and Tom's sugar are different", I know it must be plural because there are two items in the subjective. However, in "John's and Tom's sugar", there's only one item, so I ...
OhLook's user avatar
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In the sentence: "Drinking and driving IS dangerous", why does the verb "to be" need to be singular?

In the sentence: "Drinking and driving is dangerous". Drinking and driving are both subjects and the word dangerous is the object (I think) but why do I have to use the verb to be in singular?
claudio sepulveda's user avatar
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Many a teacher and many a student has/have

Many a teacher and many a student has attended the lecture. Many a teacher and many a student have attended the lecture. Which one is correct? And why?
Hương Lê's user avatar
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Compound sentence with adjective clause

Wanted to know whether the following sentence is a compound sentence. These apples look very red and juicy. Specifically, can this sentence be read as below and therefore marked as a compound ...
ASHIS ROY's user avatar
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Complex subject

Someone argued with me on this phrase. The most important reason for studying abroad which helps to develop self confidence because you are always alone. I told him this was a wrong sentence as ...
Oyster's user avatar
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Do I use the Subject right in this sentence [As a research assistant for professor]?

Hi here is a sentence in my personal statement for grad school, and I am not sure which expression I should choose. As a research assistant for professor X, my objective was to do... Or As a ...
sparrow's user avatar
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Joining word "And" with adjectives

I often meet "and" being used with adjectives when speaking of a singular object. He has blond and curly hair. Instead of: He has blond curly hair. She is an attractive and young woman. Instead of: ...
SovereignSun's user avatar
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Can't we use "you and I" here?

It's a line taken from One Direction's song History. You and me got a whole lot of history Shouldn't we use "You and I" instead of "You and me" in above sentence.
Saqeeb's user avatar
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Verb agreement: The behavior of X and Y "was" or "were" considered?

Which is correct of the following (or better to use): The behavior of X and Y was considered. or The behavior of X and Y were considered.
Welli's user avatar
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Should I use 'is' or 'are' with this complex subject?

What form of to be would be right to use in this case? Why drug abuse in general and cannabis consumption in particular is/are dangerous for your health.
Brine's user avatar
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Correct grammar when listing objects with an attribute

I have three cars, all of them are white. I wish to form a sentence where I list the cars separately as: first, second and third, and then say they are all white. I'm unsure what is the correct form: ...
this's user avatar
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"The ebb and flow of the tides ARE (IS?) now understood" - compound subject and verb coordination

Correct the sentence: The ebb and flow of the tides / are / now understood. In the above sentence I can go by two ways: First is that according to are I should be using the before flow thus ...
Seema Bhukar's user avatar
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subject-verb agreement problem

Example with a context (How Putin could lose power): However, the very fact that the West and those Russians in the know were alarmed, and that even the Kremlin apparatus seemed clumsy and unsure ...
Michael Rybkin's user avatar