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Questions tagged [could]

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3 answers

Confusion on temporal COULD

In the sentence, "Diplomats said a Russian chemical weapons attack in Ukraine, or a heavy bombardment of the capital Kyiv, could be a trigger for an energy embargo," I am confused whether ...
Ken's user avatar
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Why is "could had" incorrect and "could have" correct?

I have recently realised that I have been wrongly using "could had" instead of "could have" It just seems like a popularly accepted fact that "could" cannot be used with ...
nsrCodes's user avatar
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"The scariest thing he can/could be called is the Reaper" [closed]

Example 1 A: He has been feared and reported by many soldiers on the battlefield. B: I know this guy. He's quite famous and has been mentioned in many reports. The HQ has given him several codenames. ...
Chien Te Lu's user avatar
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A weird use of "could have" in a non-hypothetical situation

I saw a sentence in a book that I am reading now. That seems very weird to me and I need clarification. All this happened between sunrise and sunset, the boy thought. He was feeling sorry for himself,...
cetinkaya's user avatar
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about could: How can I understand about what tense are talked?

for example: This is something they could never see in the wild. is it about the past or the future?
Armen's user avatar
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Could or could have

Can we use "could" and "could have" interchangeably in active voice?.. just like we can use "could be" and "could have been" interchangeably in passive voice... ...
Atif Mughal's user avatar
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Modals of obligation occuring in the past

I made a question and now I'm confused which one is the correct form? She should've at least given me more information about our festival so I could be prepared for it better. She should've at least ...
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Can 'Could' be used instead of May/MIght?

Can I use Could instead of May/Might. e.g. That could be the reason. Is this sentence correct?
Hari S's user avatar
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How can you contract 'I could'?

Is it possible to contract 'I could'? Can 'I'd' be used for 'I could' like for 'I would'? Or, if 'I could' can't be contracted to 'I'd', can it be to 'I'c'd' (but it should be "I c'd" and ...
The Amateur Coder's user avatar
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Might or may for things that didn't happen

Collins dictionary says you can only use might or could in this situation- when something didn't happen but you think it could have. So, sentence 1 is right and sentence 2 is wrong. `If he hadn't ...
Pumpkin cake's user avatar
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