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Questions tagged [do-vs-make]

For questions about whether "do" or "make" is correct/idiomatic in a particular context.

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Does justice happen, or is it only done or made?

When a victim of a crime is expecting to see the accused on trial soon, would it be linguistically correct for them to say justice is about to happen or justice is about to get (or be) done or ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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to write about "I always made some mistakes on the exams." with verb "did"

Could you please describe how it's possible to write about "I always made some mistakes on the exams." with verb "did", if it's really possible. Because, for example, "I always did badly...", in my ...
Sergei's user avatar
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We DO or MAKE a practice, or just practice?

What's considered more natural, to do a practice, to make a practice, or simply practice only without preceding words? In fact, I've heard all of them, and I have no a way to know how to choose one ...
Virtuous Legend's user avatar
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"to do" or "to make" application?

When talking about application form at the university (as a part of admission). We make application or do application or both?
Virtuous Legend's user avatar
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3 answers

It's a hand action you {do/make/give}

I'm making up a children's vocabulary handout in the form of a quiz. The children work in pairs, A and B, they must ask each other questions and the guess the right answer. The definitions have to be ...
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
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Make/do a painting

Which one is more correct? She made this painting for a friend. She did this painting for a friend. I performed a websearch and it seems both are used. When I was learning English at ...
reg's user avatar
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Differences between "make" and "do" [duplicate]

In my class, my teacher told us that, we should find the differences between "make" and "do". I'm Vietnamese so I'm confused with this question! Can you help me? And the similar between them is the ...
Nhi Ngo's user avatar
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Do and Make contextual explanation

I've come up with these sentences : do or make these updates . And I don't know which one to choose. Any explanation will be really appreciated on why I should use one over the other.
kourouma_coder's user avatar
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When someone says "do a mistake" instead of "make a mistake" how does the listener interpret such a phrase?

I was trying to understand the difference between saying "I'm making a mistake" instead of "I'm doing a mistake", or "I make mistakes" instead of "I do mistakes" etc... I'm aware of the difference ...
user8469759's user avatar
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To perform/have/make/do Wudu (do vs make)

In a nutshell, Wudu is a ritual performed by Muslims before they pray; ablution. You wash some body parts with water and you say some religious, short word-prayers in the process. The order of washing ...
learner's user avatar
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do vs make in the sense doing on a regular basis

I'm trying to understand th edifference between do and make by example provided in this article. They do a very good lunch at this restaurant and Have you made dinner yet, darling? Can I say ...
Dmitrii Bundin's user avatar
7 votes
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To do a meeting or To make a meeting?

What is the correct way? a) To do a meeting b) To make a meeting The context: when I want to make a business with someone from the internet I can tell him "I agree to this offer (business) ...
Virtuous Legend's user avatar
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Let's do/ make competition or let do competition?

If I want to tell someone to make /do competition with me or with other guy, what is the right way to express it? Let's do/ make competition! Let do competition! Let make competition! Let'...
Virtuous Legend's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Is the use of "mistake" or "make mistake" or "do mistake" appropriate in the following sentence?

The following sentences sound the same to me. Do you see the mistake in it? I always make mistakes when doing grammar exercises/answering questions;; I always do mistakes when doing grammar exercises/...
Sandy's user avatar
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2 answers

make wastage or do wastage

Which one of the following is correct? He is making wastage of time. He is making a wastage of time. He is doing a wastage of time. He is doing wastage of time. I just wanted to know whether "do" is ...
Gurpreet's user avatar
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"make" and "do" - how to make sure you take the right one?

I learned the simplified rule that make is used when I create something and do when I, well, do tasks. There's another question here about make versus do and its answer seconds that. On the other ...
Em1's user avatar
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6 answers

What is the difference between “do” and “make”?

When should I use do, and when should I use make? I made supper. I'm doing my homework now. He made it easier. Is it true that make implies creation?
user2376's user avatar
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To do a backup x to make a backup

I know we usually use backup as a verb, but if I wanted to use do/make, which one would be correct? I researched on google and found both usages, so I'm not sure which one is right
Misael's user avatar
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