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What is the difference in the meaning between 'it will end soon" and "it will be ending soon"?

Is there a difference in the meaning between "it will end soon" and "it will be ending soon"?. I don't see one may be the second one indicates that it has been planned before. My ...
Yves Lefol's user avatar
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"You will want to..." vs. "you will be wanting to..."

Could you tell me what the difference in meaning between you will want to and you will be wanting to is? For example in the ninth episode of the second season of Rick and Morty, an alien said the ...
Dmytro O'Hope's user avatar
0 votes
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"From now on I will do" vs. "from now on I will be doing"

Could you tell me if there is any difference in meaning between from now on I will do and from now on I will be doing? For example: From now on I will eat only healthy food. From now on I will be ...
Dmytro O'Hope's user avatar
-1 votes
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Future perfect continuous or future continuous?

Which variant is correct? Will you still be living here in ten years? Or Will you still have been living here in ten years? Please help me see the difference between the two sentences.
Anna's user avatar
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4 answers

Will you be having cake?

The first question is in the Future Continuous tense. Often used in very polite requests and offers. Will you be having cake? Yes, thank you. Yes, I will. Yes, I will be Yes, I will ...
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
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