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I <have stored> <will have stored> <will store> my thick sweaters and jackets until next winter (1) I have stored my thick sweaters and jackets (away) until next winter. "I have stored something" means "I have stored it until now". Next winter is not now, next ...
Loviii's user avatar
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Is it better to use simple past or present perfect for a future event?

If any man hurts my daughter, I will hurt him as much as he has hurt her Could it be past simple as at the time of writing the hurting if there was one, it would be finished and hopefully would ...
Yves Lefol's user avatar
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Using "when" to talk about the future

When the new park opens, I’ll go there every day. When the new park has opened, I'll go there every day. Can we use both of these? What is the difference between them?
Talha Özden's user avatar
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Present tense or present perfect in 'once we receive/have received this data, we will proceed to notify you?'

I want to inform someone that we cannot provide them with the data she requested right away since we still have not received it from a third-party. However, we are expecting it in the near future. My ...
StatsScared's user avatar