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Questions tagged [hypothetical]

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Using would in a doubtful situation

I understand "would" is used when the situation is hypothetical. However, when the outcome is unknown and unsure but it is a possibility, should I use would or will is the right word? #1 If ...
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If you say/said..., then it means/would mean

Person A: in the morning my friend asked how I got to work today. I replied "on a cab". He said it should be "in a cab". Why? Person B: if you said (=were to say) you got to work ...
Mr. X's user avatar
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“would have” for assumptions

If you live in a metro city, you would have seen this type of truck on street. As you would have seen us on the channel, we always act goofy. In these two examples, “Would have” is used. And it is ...
hwkal's user avatar
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You would think that someone who was in the military

Imagine that John is in the military, but he's living a totally undisciplined life. John's friend says: (1) You would think that someone who was in the military would be more disciplined. Now, imagine ...
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