Questions tagged [learning]

For questions related to improving one's proficiency in English or specific English language skills.

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2 answers

How to overcome sequences of negative words which still cripple my comprehension?

Despite my attempts and *surplus of questions (since joining ELL), sequences of negative words still annihilate, lame, squash my reading comprehension. So how can I decisively vanquish this paralysis/...
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8 votes
2 answers

How to improve understanding of long sentences in prose?

What are some efficient, methodical, productive ways to improve the skill and speed of interpreting, parsing, and reading long prosaic sentences? I refer not only to legalese or legal language, but ...
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4 votes
1 answer

How to learn English in quick way [closed]

I am not very good with the English language. I have three questions: While talking to others, most of them ask me why I am talking in much too complex a fashion (that is, they are not understanding ...
Balamurugan's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Mnemonics for learning the days of the week

I can't memorize and repeat quickly the days of the week even though I studied English for several years (I always need to count with my fingers). How are the name of the days taught to children? Is ...
pinale's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Are there tools or techniques to stop translating literally?

My girlfriend speaks English as her third language, but not yet fluently. Her vocabulary is quite extensive, especially due to the fact that she reads a lot (fiction and non-fiction) and regularly ...
Alberto Santini's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Understanding English (Listening skills)

I've been trying to improve my listening skills for about 9 months. I realized that I can understand "BBC Radio 4 extra" very well (especially the drama), but I find it's hard to understand "CNN" and ...
Michael George's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What i need to learn? [closed]

pleas read my sentences i can read and understand all english words and sentences but i have problem in writing but i know all words meaning but can not write true this question is example as my ...
Mohammad Fanni's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

"I am been" or "I have been"?

The scenario is: I have started my job in a company a few weeks ago. Now I am telling someone that I am doing this from a short time only, that is only from a while. The sentences that come in my ...
user31782's user avatar
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-1 votes
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What is a locations rep? [closed]

the headline at NY Times i: 'How a rockaways locations rep spends her sundays' I couldn't figure out what a location rep is, I imagine it has to do with tourism routes, Am I right? if so what exactly ...
Euler eulerhenriuqe's user avatar