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Questions tagged [mathematics]

This tag is for questions on the usage and meaning of mathematical terminology and the names for mathematical entities in English.

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why is there no (definite) article before "unity" in the mathematical sense?

Example: x is equal to unity ("unity" has to do with a "unit", i.e. 1, not "the state of being joined together or in agreement".)
Serguei's user avatar
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Imperative: how to distinguish independent clauses and a compound predicate?

Consider the following imperative-sentence structure Do 𝑋 and do 𝑌. (Source: ) where I believe (but do not know this ...
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Dilation vs dilatation

I am curious about the usage of words "dilation" and "dilatation" in mathematics. I believe they mean exactly the same thing and wonder which one to choose. Here is an article on ...
Dmitri's user avatar
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simplifies to vs. be simplified to?

In mathematics, one often simplifies an expression. In the mathematical writing, which one is correct (or more natural)? Equation (1) is simplified to Equation (2). vs. Equation (1) simplifies to ...
Laplacian's user avatar
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Expressions of multiplication

Five times three equals 15. Five multiplied by three equals 15. As I know, multiplication is an operation that consists of calculating the result of adding up the multiplicand as many times as ...
ForOU's user avatar
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Correct form of writing hints for math charts

I have a math chart (there are multiple curves btw) and want to write some hints below. Here's a sentence that describes what it means when one (or many) of the curves is/are green: "green - ...
shadeglare's user avatar
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percentage, rate, or ratio which is correct?

My salary for last month was $1,000 and for this month was $1,100, that is, my salary increased by 10%. In this case, which of the following is correct? The rate/ratio/percentage of change in my ...
rama9's user avatar
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In math, how to express the tangent contact with the function

In math, I want to say that there is no possibility that an asymptote will be a tangent to the function. How should I write it?
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