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Questions tagged [present-continuous]

It is used to express a continued or ongoing action at present time. It expresses an action which is in progress at the time of speaking. Using the suffix '-ing'

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1 vote
2 answers

Present continuous vs present perfect continuous to express annoyance

Is there a difference in meaning between these two sentences? He's always leaving his dirty socks on the floor. He has been leaving his dirty socks on the floor. The book that I use only says that ...
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1 answer

Mix of present simple and continuous

An average user of social media feels that he is underperfoming and his self-esteem is constantly decreasing. I used tenses in this sentence instinctively, and after I had finished I started to ...
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1 answer

Continuous and perfect infinitives

What is the difference between continuous and perfect continuous infinitives while referring to the future. Don't they convey the same meaning? For instance I want you to be doing your homework when ...
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2 answers

Ok to use simple present tense after now? | "Now, we look at one more."

A British speaker, who teaches English on youtube, is telling about some usages for socializing. He gives examples, tells about differences, etc. Before he moves on to another one, he says: "Now, ...
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1 answer

"I live in ..." vs "I'm living in ..."

Let's consider the following two sentences: I live in Moscow and I'm a software developer. I'm living in Moscow and I'm a software developer. Do these sentences have some slight difference in the ...
5 votes
3 answers

"We plan" versus "we are planning"

Is there a semantic difference between the following two sentences? In the future, we are planning to migrate our tool to the Z3 solver. In the future, we plan to migrate our tool to the Z3 ...
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2 answers

Usage of the present perfect simple and present perfect continuous tenses

I tried this exercise: Make the present perfect - it could be positive, negative or question. (you / keep a pet for three years) but I can't find the correct answer to the first question. I thought ...
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2 answers

Is “Are they planning to fly to New York? Is it next week?” right to use the continuous present followed immediately by the simple present?

Please consider: Are they planning to fly to New York? Is it next week? Why is that combination of present tense forms used to indicate a future event, first the continuous one and then the the ...
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3 answers

Using present continuous in sentence

There is the sentence: Do you usually cook at weekends? Can i use present continuous? Are you usually cooking at weekends? I found this example of using present continuous on internet. At ...
4 votes
4 answers

Can present continuous mean "should"?

We are not having this conversation at all (Rose said, in the movie Titanic.) Usually this sentence suggests the speaker is denying the fact that they are having this conversation, which doesn't make ...
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2 answers

I am requesting or I request Mr David to come on / up to the stage. Which expression is correct in the native context?

While inviting the guests to the stage, In India, it is usually said that now I request Mr David to come on to the stage. Some professors I know say that it should be come up to the stage. My point is ...
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2 answers

Is there any difference between "what time should I expect your call" and "what time should I be expecting your call"?

Is there any difference between what time should I expect your call and what time should I be expecting your call? For example: Person A: I'll call you tomorrow and we'll talk about the trip. Person ...
4 votes
2 answers

Choosing between simple present & present continuous

If I intend to ask about somebody's major of study, should I use Simple presents: what do you study? or present continuous: what are you studying? I understand that the simple present tense is used ...
0 votes
1 answer

Present continuous plus "when"

When I work out I drink a lot. It's a simple sentence with a simple meaning that during my workouts I drink a lot When I'm working out I drink a lot. Same meaning we just emphasize that "...
1 vote
1 answer

"…while the English speaking world becomes/is becoming ever more complacent"

Millions of people ______ (discover) how to bridge cultures, while the English-speaking world ______ (become) ever more complacent and ____ (cut) down on foreign language learning programmes. The ...
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1 answer

What is is difference between "As long as I am selling" and "As long as I can sell"?

I am reading a book. It says there is a bakery owner who wants everyone will be hungry for one thing - his donuts! So he invented a special donut recipe. As result, his donuts are turning people into ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Looking for reference of present continuous and simple past in story telling?

The sentence being: After pulling the fisherman to safety, the groomsmen returned for more wedding photos on the jetty – this time in their underwear, dripping wet and a little battered and bruised. ...
2 votes
3 answers

which one is correct, "looking forward to hear" OR "looking forward to hearing"

From my understanding, 'to' is not followed by 'continuous form'. So the latter version "looking forward to hearing" looks incorrect to me. However, when I type that in gmail, it first auto ...
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1 answer

Present Progressive or Simple Present

I have a question about using present tenses; would it be said that: Robots are being developed Robots are developed I would say it is present progressive because the process is not ...
0 votes
1 answer

Does "by the time" mandate perfect constructions?

Consider this sentence: I'm planning to do it by the time she comes. I think that that is wrong and that I need to say: I'm planning to have done it by the time she comes. Am I right? I think so ...
1 vote
3 answers

Present Continuous vs. Present Simple

My thought process: We all know that progressive tenses are, to put it simply, used to talk about an action in progress: I'm having a dinner at 2:00. (eating dinner is in progress at 2:00) I ...
2 votes
2 answers

Present Simple/Continuous

Can we use both present simple and continuous in this sentence? I've got a high temperature. I think i am coming/come down with a flu. Continuous - when we consider this to be as a process -> we ...
5 votes
2 answers

Present simple vs present continuous when describing a video

Person A: Let's watch this video now kids. [plays the video] [the dog in the video starts to bark at someone] Person A: What is the dog doing? A child: He's barking at someone. In this exchange the ...
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1 answer

Why did the writer choose future continuous instead of present continuous

Quick reminder as we go into the weekend that I'll be closing the order book for the new design T-shirt at noon on Sunday. I would like to know if it would have been possible to write "am ...
2 votes
1 answer

Present Simple or Present Continuous?

Can we use the Present Simple in this sentence : As you know, I try to learn Chinese. Or is it better to use the Present Continuous?
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1 answer

John and I [have planned]/[are planning]/[plan] to go

Suppose John and Sarah are going to go to the beach today. They don't want to go alone, so they're calling their friends and asking them if they would like to join them. So they call Bob, he picks up, ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Why don't we use Present Continuous in example

I know that we should use Present Simple when we talk about things in general and Present Continuous when we talk about something incomplete that is happening around time of speaking. I also know that ...
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1 answer

How to use must, may, might for future and for present continuous?

Can I use them for Future tense? For example "I must/may/might go to New York tomorrow". and can they be used in Present continuous form as well? For example ”He must/may/might be having ...
2 votes
2 answers

When to use present continuous

If something is planned you have been imposed, can that be considered as an arrangment to use present continuous? For example, you received an email saying there will be some work in 3 weeks along ...
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1 answer

Why present simple for a temporary state

Many students are not going to school at the moment . They are practising and studying at in their houses . Their teachers send them videos and activities every day. Why "send" is not ...
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1 answer

As John steps out of the car

I provided the following context for one of my earlier questions: John's life has been hectic recently, so he's driven to a remote village to take a break from city life. Peter, an inhabitant of that ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Is the expression "I'm wearing shorts and sandals in the morning" correct?

The time expression "In the morning" can imply a different moment, not necessarily something which is happning at the moment of speaking. idea
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1 answer

can I say ' Baz has just seen a wreck and. he was swimming towards it '?

Is it correct to use present perfect 'yet or just' with past continuous in the same sentence?? Or I have to use present continuous?? ' Baz has just seen a wreck he is swimming towards it' ??
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2 answers

I work vs I am working (Present Simple vs Present Continous)

I have doubts when it comes to deciding if I should use the Present Simple or the Present Continous tense. Below are the examples: I have worked for 4 companies so far. Now I work/I am working for X ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is there any difference in meaning between "do you follow me?" and "are you following me?" when are you asking someone if they understand you?

Can you please tell me if there is there any difference in meaning between do you follow me? and are you following me? when you asking someone if they understand you? For example: I've heard both used ...
2 votes
1 answer

"Let me know how you <get on> <are getting on> at your new job."

from (1a) I hear you've got a new job. How do you get on? — incorrect (1b) I hear you've got a new job. How are you getting on? — correct from (2a) ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between “always tells” and “is always telling”?

I was doing Destination C1 and C2 grammar and vocabulary exercises when I came across this: My dad ———————(always/tell) jokes, they’re mostly rubbish, though. I thought the answer is "always ...
1 vote
1 answer

present perfect continuous does not mean something started in the past and continues to the FUTURE

A teacher said what the present perfect continuous talks about has to be ongoing NOW. I don't think so. For instance, I started to work on a report at 8 o'clock AM this morning. I continued to work ...
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1 answer

What's the difference between "You're so deserving of it" and "You deserve it"?

What's the difference between "You're so deserving of it" and "You deserve it"? This is in the context of winning an award
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3 answers

do you see/are you seeing

A: Why don't you just focus on making the best of it for yourself as well as for your children? B: Maybe that's what I'm trying to do. A: But then why do you only see / are you only seeing them a ...
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1 answer

present continuous in this case

I am flying to Spain tomorrow and am staying/will stay there one week. What is the best solution I think both are valid.
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2 answers

Nicky is thinking of giving up her job

Nicky is thinking of giving up her job In this sentence why have give+ing? I know give up means release. I want to know why in this sentence uses "giving up"?
2 votes
1 answer

Why is present perfect used here?

We have been waiting for Nancy for the last 2 hours, but she still hasn't arrived. It's really confusing for me that why they used present perfect at the end of sentence when the first part of the ...
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2 answers

Am having or have in this case

Imagine I am trying to connect my smartphone to the net. The problem is that I am sitting in a train and the connection is not working . What can I say " I am having difficulties to be connected ...
-1 votes
1 answer

while + present continuous and present perfect [duplicate]

Good evening, Are correct the following? While I'm writing to you, I've packed my stuff. As I'm writing to you, I packed my stuff. The meaning is that while writing I sometimes stopped to pack my ...
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3 answers

In British English, can I use "be" in the past/present/future continuous tenses, like in "you are being selfish"? [closed]

According to the Oxford dictionary, be is not used in the Past /Present /Future Continuous tenses, so in terms of standard British grammar I cannot say "You are being selfish". According to ...
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3 answers

'I wouldn't lie' vs 'I wouldn't be lying'

Is there any difference between those two forms: I wouldn't be lying I wouldn't lie For example: I wouldn't be lying if I said this is the best evening in my life! I wouldn't lie if I said this is ...
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0 answers

correct tenses: [I am doing something.] or [I have done something.]

I have made up the sentences below. (Suppose that I HAVE started cleaning the street.) (a) I said to John, "Today is the six day I have cleaned the street. (b) I said to John, "Today is ...
1 vote
3 answers

Is it correct to use continuous without the auxiliary verb "to be?"

I am working on a project, and I am faced with a sentence that I am unsure is correct. I can make it correct with proper punctuation, but it just made me curious to learn how to use such sentences ...
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1 answer

Future with will or present continuous

I would like to know if I using a present continous would be correct in this example: "Are you going home now? In that case, I.....with you". The book key just gives "Will leave" ...

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