Questions tagged [semantics]

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17 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is it possible to use "look down on" in a phrase without meaning disdain?

Is it possible to use "look down on" in a phrase, without meaning disdain? Example: (if I'm standing on the moon) Can I use "look down on Earth", to describe a physical act of ...
Viviane's user avatar
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Is there a comma needed in this sentence, and if so, why?

The sentence in question: "I met with a psychologist to see if I was on the autism spectrum but they told me that I was not." Is this a complete sentence: "They told me that I was not.&...
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To infinitive VS bare infinitive

He made me laugh(active) I was made to laugh by him(passive voice) In the active voice made is followed by personal object and bare infinitive. But in the passive voice made is followed ...
Jvlnarasimharao's user avatar
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You can be famous but not be a celebrity

This is from a school task: You can be famous but not be a celebrity. What they mean is: You can be famous without being a celebrity. Can some people (depending on prosody?) interpret (1) to mean (...
Didyougo's user avatar
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Is there a situation where and and or means the same thing?

I am sure you didn't read the documentation and understand the document. I am sure you didn't read the documentation or understand the document. The first one means you didn't do either. The second ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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Adverb "honestly" —At the beginning & At the mid position

I can't honestly say what time I'll be home. Vs Honestly, I can't say what time I'll be home. I think there is subtle difference in meaning, but I am not sure, Explain me the usage of the ...
Sam's user avatar
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Why are "to feel" and "to be" only sometimes interchangeable?

I am angry and I feel angry seem to have the same meaning, as do many other I am [adjective] phrases, like I am sad, I am happy, I am ecstatic. But am and feel cannot always be swapped out: I am weird ...
minseong's user avatar
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A collective idea - noun pharse

" The concerns that the teachers have risen is an indicator for having training the soonest . My question here is , can I use the singular verb "is" with the main plural subject "...
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Rheme and theme in connection with a tense

This is an explanation by a native speaker. It includes the notions of RHEME and THEME The explanation "I live in France but I usually travel abroad", sounds odd because there's no context, ...
user1425's user avatar
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Is there a difference in meaning between "many" and "many of"?

Is there a difference in meaning between "many" and "many of"? and if so what is it? For example, if one says "many of them are confined" ("them" representing ...
Eren8hisfather's user avatar
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Construction: "Is also to do."

This is a construction that lingered in the back of my mind for my entire life. But for me "is to do" does not mean "has to do" as in: "Surely this is also to do with ...
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have+to go or have to go

I have to go now. I have to leave now. I have to study Englsih. Can I stop after "have" for a moment? I have (a few seconds later like 2~3 and continue to say) to go now. Or Do I have to ...
gomadeng's user avatar
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Looking to name a specific semantic relation

When one makes a choice, he is faced with some alternatives: "go by car" or "go by bus"; "prefer sightseeing" or "go shopping", "buy a house" or "...
vivasra's user avatar
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What is the difference between "criteria of" and "criteria for"?

The criteria of 'dog-ness' are the following... The criteria for an animal to be a dog are the following... Are both phrases correct and, if so, what's the difference between them? Are 'of' and 'for' ...
Philosopher of science's user avatar
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I didn't have enough time, however, I read the book till the end

This sentence is from an exercise ('use "However' to join the sentences : 'I didn't have enough time. I read the book till the end.'): ' I didn't have enough time, however, I read the book till ...
Didyougo's user avatar
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Using "the" with past participle but not with the present participle

I am currently working on a book review of verb presentation in two texts. I am contemplating the nominal function of present participles. Of course, we know that a present participle is called a ...
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I thought/ didn't think you were/ not coming

We usually say : I don't think he will pass. Not I think he will not pass. I didn't think he was coming. But not I thought you were not coming. I know that it is called ...
Jvlnarasimharao's user avatar