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"Do" or "Does" with "any of X"? [closed]

Which is correct: Do any of the ideas interest you? Does any of the ideas interest you? In one textbook, it gives 2 as an example sentence; however, in another one, I read something similar but it ...
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When to use Do/Does & Is in questions

Primary sentence This is applicable for all account Which question form is correct and why? A) Is this applicable for all account? B) Does this applicable for all account ?
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Can I use 'does' at the end of a question?

So I was wondering if the correct phrase for asking a question is "what does it does/do?" Then it struck me that it feels odd to say "what does it does". Then I did some Googling and apparently the ...
Zar's user avatar
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"It isn't tastes good or fresh." Is it correct?

"It isn't tastes good or fresh." Is it correct? My teacher said it's grammar mistake and I don't know what the correct form is.
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