Questions tagged [synonyms]

A synonym is a word that means exactly, or nearly the same thing, as another word.

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111 votes
8 answers

Is there any difference between being ill and sick?

I can say I'm ill or I'm sick. But what is the difference between the usage of these terms? I've heard that one can use sick for longer-term and ill for shorter-term, but is that really correct? How ...
Danubian Sailor's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Difference between "much, many, a lot of and lots of"

Difference between "much, many, a lot of and lots of" What is the difference between them? Are they synonyms or not?
Ice Girl's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

"start" and "begin", is there a difference?

Today, when looking up the definitions of the phrasal verb "take something up", I noticed that one of them was written like this: "to start or begin something such as a job." For ...
Vic's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between "look", "see", and "watch"?

When should I use "look", "see", and "watch"? I'm watching "Star Trek". Have you seen "Star Trek"? Are the examples above correct?
Be Brave Be Like Ukraine's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

"Be yet to do" vs "have yet to do"

This theory has yet to be proven. This theory is yet to be proven. This is yet to be done. This has yet to be done. I have yet to spend summer in the mountains. I am yet to spend summer in the ...
user1677's user avatar
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37 votes
3 answers

Differences between "mandatory" and "compulsory"

What is the difference between mandatory and compulsory? Are they synonyms? Can they be used interchangeably especially with regard to something you must do? Writing the essay is a mandatory task. ...
haunted85's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

The difference between "prevent" and "avoid"

The accident could have been prevented The accident could have been avoided Would you show me semantically what the difference between the two is? Also, are there any scenarios in which both ...
nima's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

“I hope he visit us more often” Why is this wrong?

I desire he visit us more often. This is correct, right? I hope he visit us more often. Why is this incorrect? Why should I use “visits” instead?
Yamacure's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What is the difference of "use", "utilize" and "employ"

The situation is I'm writing a paper, and I want to use different words to express the meaning of "adopt" a method or approach. All the three words "use", "utilize" and "employ" have the meaning of ...
张晓瑞's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Can I use "reasonable" in place of "plausible" in the following context?

He says, "It is plausible if you put all these things together, you will get a good result." Can I use "reasonable" instead of "plausible"? Are there any significant difference between them?
Mr.Finger's user avatar
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45 votes
2 answers

Photo Vs. Picture Vs. Image : What is the difference between them?

Sometimes I hear people say 'Photos' and some time I hear them say 'Pictures'. In addition, I sometimes encounter the word 'Image'. In my understanding I feel that all of them are the same but I'm not ...
miami's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Difference between logoff, logout, signoff and signout

Is there any serious difference between logoff, logout, signoff and signout? Websites seem to use the phrases interchangeably. Is this just a difference is style, or have they made a deliberate ...
jsj's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

"Pretty" versus "quite" [duplicate]

Is there any difference between using pretty, and quite, in the following sentences? I am pretty good at playing soccer. I am quite good at playing soccer. How are you? I am quite well. ...
apaderno's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

The word "joint" as a synonym for place?

I'd like to know in what context can the word "joint" be used as a synonym for place. Is it used for places that sell products and/or services?
ethmz's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

What is difference between "accomplishment" and "achievement"

It seems that in my native language is used only one word for translating both words "accomplishment" and "achievement". Are they synonyms? Are there some difference in usage of these words?
Alexander Myshov's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Difference between "as" and "because"?

What is the difference between as and because? Which one of these sentences is correct? He stayed home from work as he was sick? He stayed home form work because he was sick? Which is correct? Are ...
Артем Иванов's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

What is the difference between "job" and "job opportunity"?

Currently, I am looking for a job. Or am I looking for a job opportunity? Or is the hiring company having a job opportunity for people like me? Can I use "I am looking for a job/job opportunity" ...
Stefan van den Akker's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between "it seems" and "it looks like"?

Many times while I talked to others or wrote some text messages I got confusion about which phrase I should use to express the actual meaning of the words It seems . . . and It looks like . ....
Ram_HW's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between buy and purchase

When we use the word "to buy" and when the word "to purchase"? I do not understand the difference between these words.
elena's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Difference between 'illusion' and 'delusion'

What is the difference between 'illusion' and 'delusion'? Both of them could mean 'false ideas'. I cannot differentiate them. illusion a false or wrong belief or idea Many people still have the ...
Kinzle B's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Less formal synonym for interlocutor

I need a noun to describe a person taking part in a chat conversation. Using dictionary I found interlocutor, but it is so rare and formal.
Alexander Madyuskin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

are "header" and "heading" interchangable in the context of "information at the top of something"?

In the following contexts, are header and heading interchangable or is one preferred/correct over the other ? the top of a column in an Excel spreadsheet the top of an email message (To: CC: BC:) the ...
B Chen's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Synonym for "nobody's perfect"

I want a synonym for "nobody's perfect" in a more idiomatic way. Maybe some rare old phrase to mean that every side has good and bad. I'm talking about a meaning that will convey that in every ...
SovereignSun's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Does the word 'railing' bring into mind a posession fence, or something much lower?

While apparently it can be used in that manner, I fear that it is much more common to describe things like railings along stairs. The fact that the subject is a posession fence has already been ...
Turin's user avatar
  • 151
1 vote
6 answers

Difference between "advantage" and "benefit"?

From Webster: advantage: something (such as a good position or condition) that helps to make someone or something better or more likely to succeed than others a good or desirable quality or ...
ztana's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
2 answers

What is particular meaning of the verb "pitch" here?

What is particular meaning of the verb "pitch" here? Are there any appropriate synonyms of it? In the process of writing this article I came across one email from 11 years ago. It turns out I ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can I use the prefix "Non-" instead of other negative prefixes?

Would there be any difference? For instance, I don't want to talk about non-important issues. (unimportant) He is a very non-active/non-sexual person. (inactive) (asexual) This is a non-...
Ghaith Alrestom's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

difference: "lesser-known" vs. "less-known"

What difference, if any, is there between "lesser-known" and "less-known"? Both "lesser" and "less" are adverbials there. I suspect "lesser-known" can be used only attributively. Any other ...
Apollyon's user avatar
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