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Questions tagged [time-words]

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2 answers

As, when or while?

What is the right way to say this: The birds were singing as/when/while Jill stopped on the old wooden bridge to look down at the ducks. It'd be good if you gave a little explanation as well.
Dmitrii Bundin's user avatar
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3 answers

Confusion regarding the meanings of "till" and "until"

Till means upto a certain time limit and until means "till not". Example 1: I can not go till I finish my homework. Example 2: I can not go until I finish my homework. I cannot differentiate ...
Mistu4u's user avatar
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What is the correct way to write 1.5 hours?

I'm a bit confused in describing 1.5hrs in words. Is writing one and a half an hour correct or should it be one and half hour? E.g: I'll see you there in one and a half an hour. OR I'll ...
v kumar's user avatar
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Using perfect constructions after "since"

From OneRepublic's song "Feel again": It's been a long time coming since I've seen your face From Kelly Clarkson's song "Since U Been Gone": Here's the thing we started out ...
user132181's user avatar
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"A quarter past five" or simply "Quarter past five"?

I usually say “It’s a quarter past” (for instance) “five”. But I think I’ve heard (or read) “It’s quarter past ...”, too, with no indefinite article: is that correct? Which is more common (if both ...
Tommaso Borri's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

'recently' with present perfect and past

When do we use recently with past tenses? I've come across some sentences in which I don't understand the use of recently. I recently wrote to my grandmother. They were working in Canada recently. ...
Svetlana's user avatar
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at the age of XX years "old"

Military conscription is required of all Israeli citizens between the ages of 18 and 25 years old. Is the usage of "between the ages of 18 and 25 years old" correct here? Is the word "old" acceptable ...
Barry's user avatar
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Reported speech of (three years ago/ next week)

In this link you will see that this ELL book does not change the words of time I joined the company three years ago The reported speech version is: He said that he had joined the company three ...
learner's user avatar
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At 12 o'clock, I have ... "an hour's break" or "an hour break" or "a one-hour break"? [duplicate]

Is this the most natural way to put it: I work in a big company. At 12 o'clock I have an hour break. Or should we better say: I work in a big company. At 12 o'clock I have an hour's break. Or ...
CowperKettle's user avatar
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