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Is it wrong to pronounce "to" as /tə/ before words starting with vowels?

In Oxford Dictionary, it says it is correct to pronounce "to" as /tə/ only before words starting with a consonant. It seems fair to me too because /tə/ sounds off and unsmooth before vowels; ...
Fire and Ice's user avatar
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Pronunciation of "tag" in American English

I have heard some American English speakers saying the word "tag" like [tεg], but the [ɛ] vowel is somewhat lengthened. Is that a specific regional accent? I can't find this pronunciation on ...
user139414's user avatar
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"Law" vs "Lawyer" pronunciation, why is the "law" part sometimes pronounced differently?

So I've recently watched "Crazy Ex Girlfriend" (which is set in SoCal), and I've noticed everyone there pronounced "Law" and "Lawyer" differently, which was really ...
Opal's user avatar
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US-American pronunciation of 'e'

Since quite some time I get the impression, that especially in US-American, spoken english the pronunciation of 'e' (as in 'best' — /ɛ/) seems to shift towards 'a' (as in 'flat' — /æ/). Some recent ...
Pumpfish's user avatar
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Is it possible to pronounce jury as /dʒɜːri/?

sometimes I hear Americans pronounce jury as ''/dʒɜːri/''. Is that right? Is it regional or generally they say this way?
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