I'm going to give away "a secret" on this one. I went to the the [Stanford Parser](http://nlp.stanford.edu:8080/parser/index.jsp) and entered the sentence. I substituted `[` for `(` and `]` for `)` and plugged that into http://yohasebe.com/rsyntaxtree. That gave a pretty picture. I usually resize these in something like pixlr to make them smaller. But now I have the basic Labeled Bracket Notation and the original image I can play with. The first one I changed to look like this, because it's just how I think of it. <pre> [ROOT [S [NP [PRP I]] [VP [VBP know] [NP [PRP it]] [PP [IN without] [S [NP his telling me] ] ] ] ] ] </pre> Which looks like this: ![enter image description here][2] In other words, I think of "his telling me" as being something complete, like "his book". And for the second sentence, I like what the Stanford Parser gives (which is practically identical as what it gave for the first sentence). <pre> [ROOT [S [NP [PRP I]] [VP [VBP know] [NP [PRP it]] [PP [IN without] [S [NP [PRP him]] [VP [VBG telling] [NP [PRP me]]]]]] ]] </pre> And the image is: ![enter image description here][3] In other words, I think of "him" as somebody doing something. Without him engaging in telling me. Someone else can surely give a more grammatical explanation. Anyone is welcome to raid this answer for the Labeled Bracket Notation contained herein. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/RdCAy.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/fjs0V.png [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/nCU4O.png