This is a specifically created Community Wiki which gathers resources for learning English and [it has been approved by the Community itself]( It should be clear that **the resources are not written by one user or only by the mods, but by whoever wants to contribute.** Just write in the appropriate answer/section. If you have questions or concerns, [ask a Meta question]( so we don't clutter the comments. You can link your Meta question from the comments. Questions regarding such resources are still allowed, but they will be closed as a duplicate of this question if they are too broad. Specific and on topic requests are welcome ([ask on Meta]( if you're unsure about your question). Follow the instructions made in the question about how to post, what can be posted, etc. <hr> ###Organization - Each answer contains only one type of resource, and all resources that type. - If possible, state whether the material is directed towards a **beginner**, **intermediate** or **advanced** audience. - **Do not** include links that lead to illegal content or sites that host such content. If you see any, please **flag for moderator attention**, select _other_, and specify the offending resource. It will be deleted as soon as a moderator sees the flag. - Follow the [community rules on self-promotion]( - Please indicate whether each resource is free or paid and if registration is required. - Do not post images. They would take too much space. - Use descriptive links instead of bare URLs where possible. - Add resources in alphabetical order so that they will be easier to find. Resources starting with non-Latin characters should go after the end of the alphabet. _Note: New rules could be added in the future. Please [ask a Meta question]( if you think a rule should be added, removed, or changed._ <hr> ###Index - [Audio books]( - [Books]( - [Browser add-ons]( - [Dictionaries]( - [Newspapers]( - [Online courses]( - [Podcasts]( - [Software]( - [Television]( - [Textbooks]( - [Thesauri]( - [Websites](