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What's the accurate adjective used for someone who is wise, open-minded, respectful and civil?

In my native language (Persian/Farsi), there is a certain widly used adjective commonly referred to people who are somehow wise, respectful and civil. Lets say the adjective is X, then for instance:

Those who throw out trash, sound their vehicle's horn very often, have medieval ideas about the rights and roles of women and ... are not X.

On the other hand, those who have read a lot of books, settle their disagreement in private rather than yelling at each other in a public place, respect others opinion and treat them with respect and ... are X.

Also talks such as "As long as people lack (noun of)X , nothing's gonna change in this country" is very common in my country.

It's worth mentioning that X means Cultured (probably not very accurate) in Google Translate.

Considering my explanations, is there any common adjective which accurately means X in English?