I have come across the following passage. I just cannot figure out what "a voice that is bright red" means although I have checked my dictionaries.
I’ve become so attached to my phone that the sun no longer provides light. I’ve become so attached to my phone that I don’t know how to talk to my best friend face to face. It’s hard to socialize in person but behind a screen I am powerful. I have a voice that is bright red that can scream at these stupid blue screens. I’ve become so attached that it is starting to feel like I’ve become addicted. I’m always on social media. Constantly texting, liking, commenting. There are days I cry, stressing about how many followers I have and how many likes I receive. It’s like a job, keeping the data of every single notification sent to me. I’m lost behind this stupid blue screen. I’m done with these stupid blue screens. They don’t let me think.