> [...] After marrying so young she was overwhelmed by it all, having a child so quickly, and nursing, and warming up bottles of milk and testing their temperature against her wrist while Raj was at work, dressed in sweaters and corduroy pants, teaching his students about rocks and dinosaurs. Raj never looked cross or harried, or **plump as she had become** after the first baby. <sub>Source: [Interpreter of Maladies](http://pascack.k12.nj.us/cms/lib5/NJ01000238/Centricity/Domain/98/Interpreter%20of%20Maladies.pdf)</sub> A. as had she become B. as she had become plump First, would you please show me if my rephrased phrases, that is., A and B, are interchangeable with the original one? Meanwhile, could you tell me what the word or conjunction ***as*** means here? Thanks in advanced