>He is **under** the water. <img src="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dHcn4ZXK450/maxresdefault.jpg" width="400" /> >He is **below** the water. can be understood to use "*water*" as a layer which something is underneath <img src="https://i.sstatic.net/Zx0y7.jpg" width="400" /> >The Abyssal Plain and Oceanic Crust is **below** the ocean <!--- ---> >He is **in** the water. has the meaning of being surrounded, in part or in whole by water. If you are **under** the water, you are also **in** the water. If part of you is *above* the water's surface, you are **in** the water. <img src="https://0.s3.envato.com/files/106305101/2637.jpg" width="400" /> Of your prepositons, one can only "Splash **in** the water". >**on** the water. is usually used to describe a boat during an *activity*, since it is "on the *surface* of the water" <img src="https://i.sstatic.net/7D9Z6.jpg" width="300" /> >The boats are sailing **on** the water. whereas >**in** the water is usually used to describe a *static* position of a boat <img src="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/VtAxrQGww9k/hqdefault.jpg" width="300" /> >We took the boat from dry dock and put it **in** the water. We launched the boat **into** the water.