The word "honeykins" uses two suffixes to make it more endearing: "-kin" and "-s". **[-kin][1]** is an English suffix that was used in the olden days to form diminutive forms of nouns. There are still [several dozen words in the language][2] that were formed using this suffix. The more known are *pumpkin, catkin, napkin,* the less known are *ladykin, pannikin*. It has a curious etymology, let me quote from Wiktionary: [![enter image description here][3]][3] See - it's Germanic in origin: compare with German "[Mädchen][4]", "a girl". It is composed of the root "Madg", "female servant", and the diminutive suffix "-chen". Another interesting bit, from "A History of British Surnames" by Richard McKinley, [page 100][5]: [![enter image description here][6]][6] It turns out Richard Daw**kin**s has this suffix too! Live and learn. The linguistic term for a diminutive, endearing calling name is **[hypocorism][7]**. --------------- According to Wiktionary, [the suffix **-s** has 5 meanings][8], and one of them is hypocoristic: > Diminutive suffix: *Babs; moms; pops; homes; Toots* In the "Cambridge Grammar of the English Language" by Huddleston and Pullum, both "-kin" and "-s" are mentioned in Unit 5.2.1 "Evaluative morphology: Diminutives". [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: