In Russian:

> По той причине, что мне нужен стиль и для обычного текста, и для текста внутри таблиц, и для сносок, использование стиля Text Body вводило бы в заблуждение.

Here is how this passage translated by [Google](, [DeepL](, and [Yandex]( respectively:

> **Google:** For the reason that I need a style for both plain text, text within tables, and footnotes, using the Text Body style would be misleading.

> **DeepL:** For the reason that I need the style for both plain text and text inside tables and footnotes, using the Text Body style would be misleading.

> **Yandex:** For the reason that I need a style for both plain text, text inside tables, and footnotes, using the Text Body style would be misleading.

As you see, there is no big difference. "plain text" is actually should be translated as "normal text" or "body text".

So I would translate it as

> For the reason that I need a style for both body text, text inside tables, and [for] footnotes, using the Text Body style would be misleading.

What confuses me is that all three translation tools uses the word "both" even though there are 3 items. As I know, we cannot use "both" for more than two items in such a context.

Or maybe it's not actually so?

Which alternatives do we have?