When talking about chores at home I said this to my wife > I hate doing the dishes, though I do them every day, because I love the family. I'm pretty sure the part before "because" is idiomatic, as it comes from [another ELL post][1]. I'm also sure the part after "because" sounds natural as well, as [Ngram Viewer][2] justifies it. The question is that Ngram Viewer returns "Ngrams not found" for the clause "because I love the family", which implies it's not as common. Why is that? [1]: https://ell.stackexchange.com/a/256685/120244 [2]: https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?corpus=28&case_insensitive=on&smoothing=3&year_end=2011&content=I%20love%20the%20family%2C%20because%20I%20love%20the%20family&year_start=1900&direct_url=t1%3B%2CI%20love%20the%20family%3B%2Cc0 [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/atmMc.png