**tape and tape end.**

Often with various types of tape, we can't find the end.


we **run a fingernail (thumb or forefinger) around** the roll of tape until we find **edge or end of the tape**. Then, we use our fingernail to pull up a bit of tape so it sticks out and we can begin to use it.

Wiki How:

> **Run your finger around the roll**. Use your fingertip for heightened
> sensation, or use your fingernail for the sake of precision. Slip your
> finger around the roll and feel for bumps and ridges. The edge should
> feel like a slightly raised ridge in the tape. If the lip is large
> enough, your finger will catch slightly. If you think you've
> identified the edge by looking closely, use your finger for a closer
> inspection. If you have very short fingernails, try running the edge
> of a knife around the rim of the roll.[1] You might also use a
> toothpick, a paperclip, a key – anything that allows you the sensation
> and precision to feel a slight ridge in the surface of the tape. Be
> careful not to press too hard and puncture the tape.[2] If you don't
> feel anything on the first pass, try going around in the opposite
> direction.
[Wiki How][1]

glide is not right here:

Merriam Webster
intransitive verb

: to move smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly
swans gliding over the lake
: to go or pass imperceptibly
hours glided by
of an airplane : to descend gradually in controlled flight
: to fly in a glider
: to produce a glide (as in music or speech)

a bowl or glass has a rim. Tape does not have a rim. It's has an end.

  [1]: https://www.wikihow.com/Find-the-Edge-of-a-Roll-of-Tape#:~:text=Run%20your%20finger%20around%20the,raised%20ridge%20in%20the%20tape.