What is the common British term for the place where people change the cloths at the gym? In my dictionary I found that there are three results for my language word: wardrobe, cloakroom, checkroom. and I'm not sure what one of them is appropriate for BrE. I checked the term "cloakroom" on [Cambridge dictionary][1] and I'm not sure that this is the word that I'm looking for since its definition is: > "a room in a public building such as a restaurant, theatre, etc. where coats, bags, and other personal things can be left while their owners are in the building" While I'm talking about the place where people change their cloths, such as in the gym, swimming pool, beach, sports hall etc. [![enter image description here][2]][2] [1]: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/cloakroom [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/A9qsM.jpg