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This tag is for grammar questions, but only if you're not certain what other tag to use. If possible, tag as tense, verb, articles, prepositions, or some other more specific tag or tags instead.

1 vote

What is the function of "as" here?

Regaining the former glory as a port town in the Middle Ages, it is now a prosperous town. The word "as" could indicate the role, condition, or status. In this case, the phrase "as a port town" e …
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Help with adjective phrases

Jane is in the meeting room. "Is" in the sentence could be delusive, so I am going to replace "is" with another word. Jane stays in the meeting room. Then I make a gerund. Staying in th …
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1 vote

'it refers not to ...' vs. 'it doesn't refer to ...'

For me it refers not to the store and not to the one clerk you spoke to but collectively to the not-further-specified people who work there. I would write it this way: 1a) For me, it refers not/ …
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1 vote

Usage of "would" and "will"

1) How would you use this word in a sentence? 2) How will you use this word in a sentence? The sentence 1) could mean "How do you use this word in a sentence?" The reason why "would" is use …
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1 answer

I remember when... two different usages?

I feel a bit weird in terms of the grammar. Maybe some words are omitted between remember and when like "I remember the day when she was young. And the sentence may be informal. … Can anyone explain the usages with the grammar? …
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1 vote

Is that a relative clause?

1) J. Francisco Chaves, who took office as the first Superintendent of Public instruction for the territory of New Mexico. The phrase "who took... of New Mexico" is a relative clause and modifies …
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